Lesson 3- What is a clean MB procedure and how to do it


Individuals undergoing microblading/micropigmentation are exposed to bloodborne pathogens. 

Technicians must follow health and safety practices and clean techniques to protect themselves and their clients from BBP.

Clean techniques for Microblading are used to prevent or reduce the transmission of microorganisms from one person to another, or from one place to another. You need to protect all items from contamination and ensure that sterilised items remain sterile by maintaining the cleanliness of the supplies and string them in a sanitary manner.

Use barriers, like clean, disposable single-use gloves and adopt proper hand hygiene at all times before, during and after all procedures.

Thoroughly clean and prepare the skin area with antibacterial solutions.

All materials applied to skin must be from single used articles or transferred from bulk containers to single use containers. Disposed of single use containers after each person

Use disposable, single use needles and supplies whenever possible.

Maintain a clean and sanitary environment by using detergent to remove soil and a disinfectant agent to clean up a spill of blood or other potentially infectious materials.

Reusable tools and equipment must be cleaned and sterilised correctly. Sterilisation machines, such as autoclaves, must be regularly tested and serviced in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendation and service records kept.

Disinfect chairs and work surfaces between each person, using appropriate wipes or cleaners.

Needle, scalpels, razors or other sharps that have contacted skin or body fluids should be separated from other waste and placed in sharps containers (yellow box) immediately after use.

Sharps containers ( yellow box) must be kept in a safe place that is easy to reach, clearly marked and changed when they become full and disposed of correctly.

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